Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When I first started cutting out pictures I didn't know we were trying to design a collage. I began trying to find something to fill the middle which was the UV advertisement. I cut out a couple weird pictures of characters that are in the media today that might have an alcohol influence to their work, for example lady gaga.
I noticed that with a lot of the others they were successful in creating a interesting collage and I don't think I truly did. It's too empty and the white space breaks it up even more that I expected. If I were to change it I would focus on a theme and explore that so the collage would have a structured appearance.


  1. I noticed a theme of dark colors, not vibrant colors that are meant to jump off the page but a lot of brown and even some black which i found interesting

  2. I like the main focus of the image being the UV, and I think that the images surrounding it are very interesting. It looks as though the drink makes people into some interesting characters! It almost looks like a concept map as well.

  3. I really like the format of this collage and and the use of its dark colors. The peace sign in the middle makes it feel like the variables around this symbol have something to do with peace. These symbols can be both positive or negative.

  4. I like how this collage is nice and simple. The bottle in the middle catches my attention right away.

  5. This is a very simple collage. The few figures that appear were placed in a pattern and very organized. They were not just placed on it randomly.
